COACH AI, an AI Agent powered by Machine Learning!

Coach AI consists of two key elements, firstly a Chatbot that offers real-time consultations on winning store-level strategies and secondly a Performance Engine that dynamically learns the effective strategies of your business in real-time, delivering actionable insights, playbooks, and data to empower your sales teams.  Watch the Coach AI chatbot in action ➡️ 



Coach AI's Machine Learning Engine

The Machine Learning Engine comprises of advanced algorithms that enhance retail performance, promotion execution and skill at all levels of the sales organization.





Coach AI transforms the roles of the sales function

The digital revolution in Retail Execution will come from Machine Learning. The technology excels in quickly analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying patterns, dependencies, anomalies, and opportunities, linking actions with results, and providing valuable recommendations. Through Machine Learning (ML), data challenges are resolved, transforming data into valuable business insights and playbooks that guide all users to the best possible action.


Machine Learning revolutionizes roles in retail execution by empowering sales representatives to excel, streamlining administrative tasks for supervisors, and evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) of strategies for the headquarters.



Sales Representative

Coach AI guides sales representatives toward the best possible result, grabs essential visit data from various applications including ERP's and CRMs, and provides personalized coaching.


Sales Supervisor

Coach AI executes administrative tasks, conducts analytics, oversees control, and provides valuable coaching insights on each sales representative.


Sales HQ

Coach AI identifies successful tactics, facilitates real-time monitoring, delivers valuable insights, and utilizes machine learning for forecasting on a store-by-store basis.



Request a consultation with a Spring Global AI solutions expert.